
Daisy – April Birth Flower of the Month

April Flower of the Month

The daisy is the birth flower for the month of April. The daisy is associated with childhood innocence, and is a joyous flower which will brighten any mood. Although some green-fingers consider the daisy as a weed, it is a pretty flower that is loved by many others. It grows exponentially and is thus very common and popular in all its shades of colours.

Daisy Meaning and Symbolism

The pure innocence of childhood is evoked by the lovely nature of the daisy flower. Remind your loved ones how pure your love is towards them with a gorgeous daisy bouquet. It’s important to add daisies to your mixed colourful bouquet to give a touch of innocence to your gift. Daisies help balance elegance and prettiness in the floral bouquet you will send to your loved ones. The origin of the word daisy comes from the Old English ‘day’s eye’, since the petals closed during the night but re-opened again in the morning, like eyes opening at the start of each day. Its associations with birth and fertility are also present in Norse mythology, where the daisy is the sacred flower of Freya, the goddess of love and fertility.

Thanks to its associations with pure and true love, the daisy has made its way in many romantic flower bouquets. Overseas Flower Delivery provides mixed romantic flowers which are simply gorgeous when hand arranged by a local florist.

Beautiful Bouquet
Beautiful Bouquet


Adoration Bouquet
Adoration Bouquet


Sweetheart Bouquet
Sweetheart Bouquet

Chrysanthemum daisies are abundant, as are cheerful gerberas. Gerbera daisies come in various shapes and sizes with an assortment of colours to choose from. Order a Gerbera Daisy bouquet for your sweetheart!

Gerberas Bouquet
Gerberas Bouquet


Red Valentine Bouquet
Red Valentine Bouquet

Send Daisies Online

Visit our website to order and send daisies online. Send gerbera flowers to your loved ones to make them smile endlessly every time they look at your flower bouquet. It’s imperative that you surprise them with a suitable bouquet, and daisies are a flower that can be adapted to any situation and occasion to make it so much better. Rely on our floral varieties and our daisy bouquets when sending flowers to that special someone. This flower is available all over the world, so you can send daisies online anywhere worldwide!

Overseas Flower Delivery will deliver flowers internationally on your behalf. Order Daisies as birthday flowers for someone celebrating their birthday in April.