At Overseas Flower Delivery, we have a variety of rose bouquets customers can choose from. You can take a look at our selection for roses delivery, and order a bouquet online to be delivered by the local florist. Roses are a best-selling floral gift, so you don’t have to worry about its local availability. Fresh roses are available in most countries all throughout the year.
Red Rose Bouquet
As Valentine’s Day or another romantic occasion approaches, it’s very popular to send a bouquet of red roses to your sweetheart. At our website, we offer a range of red rose bouquets in different rose amounts.

Dozen Red Roses

It’s important to note that for any rose colour, countries in Eastern Europe and ex-Soviet Union perceive even-numbered bouquets as a token of ill-luck. Keep this in mind in order to send a bouquet in an odd number of stems, whether roses or any other flower.
N.B: If the bouquet you order does not specify the number of stems, then the florist will automatically arrange a bouquet according to the traditions and practices in their own country. The most important thing is for the recipient to absolutely love the flowers delivered without exceptions!
Multi-Colored Rose Bouquet
A mixed rose bouquet is just what your loved ones need to cheer up. Contrary to romantic red roses, other color of roses are designed for family and friends. Some other combinations are still romantic, such as Red and Pink Roses, but other options are more fun and cheerful.

Whatever you may need in terms of roses, you can order here. Our large selection has all types of combinations. Still, there may be cases where customers request a specific amount of specific colored roses. If the option you require is not in our selection, please do not hesitate to e-mail us. What we will do is we will check availability with our head office in the recipient’s country, and so we would require the recipient’s full address and country of delivery. You may understand that specific amounts of roses, even in a specific color, is highly dependable on local availability. Florists require 3-4 days’ notice for custom orders. The earlier you order, the easier it is for our florists to pre-order the roses that you would need delivered.
Let Overseas Flower Delivery be here for you when you need fresh roses delivery to take place. Whether the service you require is red roses delivery or delivery of other colored roses, or perhaps a mix of more than two colors, you can rely on us for your rose gift-giving needs!