Flowers, Occasions

What Flowers for Easter

Wondering what flowers to send for Easter? Take a look at our information about popular flowers for Easter occasion. Most florists around the world have these popular Easter flowers in stock in their shop. You can view our full range of Easter flowers on our website and choose the bouquet you would like to send to your friends and family.


Daffodils are flowering bulbs that are synonymous with the regeneration of spring. This makes them ideal for Easter, which is a Christian holiday that is closely associated with rebirth. In addition, its regenerative meaning goes back to its introduction to Britain by the Romans, who believed that the daffodil possessed healing powers. Our Revival Bouquet is aptly named, having daffodils as well as purple iris. Yellow and purple colours are very much associated with the celebration of Easter.


The tulip flower is another bulb, and it is the most popular flower type during the spring season. It grows in an assortment of vibrant flowers, and a gift of tulips never fails to cheer up the recipient. You can convey your feelings with a colourful tulip bouquet. Moreover, we have a Yellow Spring Bouquet, which includes yellow tulips, yellow lilies and lilac freesias, incorporating other spring flowers and colours.


The symbolism of the lily flower has roots in the Christian world, as it was believed that lilies grew from the blood of Christ following the Crucifixion. It has come to symbolize the rebirth of Christ after three days, which is the most important spiritual belief in Christianity. The evocation of purity and dedication of white lilies has also become closely associated with the Virgin Mary.


The iris flower is a beautiful flower, normally found in white or purple, and grows during the early spring season. Purple iris is a lovely addition to any bouquet, and many of our Easter bouquets feature iris.

Easter Lily Plant

A bestselling gift anywhere in the world, the Easter Lily Plant is a popular gift for Easter. It symbolizes regeneration that comes with the spring season, as well as spiritual rebirth that is evocative of the Easter occasion. You can order and send an Easter Lily Basket to your loved ones during this period.

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